Dearest Malakai,
Here is another letter from Granny Dye - she misses you so much!!
Dearest Malakai,
Thank you for opening up my world! Through you I have been privileged to be introduced to a worldwide community of parents and their children who have an abundance of gentle strength.
Before your birth all I knew about Ds was that there was an extra chromosome involved. To me these children had challenges that were no different to any other children. Your Blog has taught me so much more and I continue to learn each day.
I am inspired by beautiful people who grab whatever life delivers and do their own very best in every moment. I watch you and see your determination to keep trying until you reach your own potential which is absolutely perfect for you - A lesson that most people spend their entire lives trying to learn.
If the world followed your example, we would all be supported by perfect acknowledgement, unconditional love and comforting peace.
I Love YOU
Thank you mom!
Thank You Lord 5 years NED 16 January 2013
12 years ago
Very Wise Words from a Very Wise Lady!
Now that tugged at my heart. How lucky they are to have one another!
I wanted to let you know about the T21 Travelling Afghan Project! I hope you will consider participating and I would appreciate it if you could help spread the word! Thanks!
Sorry for the delete.
Very beautiful words! Granny gets it!!!
Now for the rest of the world...If only all people could see the beauty in our children and how our lives are blessed by them.
What a sweet, sweet letter!! I love to read things from a grandparents perspective...Malakai is very blessed!
I ditto Cathy's sentiment...if only the rest of the world could see the beauty in our children and how blessed we are by them... although the more I think about it, I think each one of our children will melt many hearts and change many perspectives in their little lives! :) I can only hope :)
Happy 6 months Malakai!
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