I know how strange this is going to sound - but it's true... I am a bit lost when it comes to Harlan's development because he doesn't have any therapists...
With Malakai I made the conscious decision to never 'measure him up' against typically developing milestone charts. I knew that he would do things in his own time, when he was ready. I wanted to enjoy his development with wonderment and awe, without knowing if, or how, late he was.
So - I just relied on Malakai's various therapists to guide me in recognising his emerging skills, and through their guidance, I was able to work with him on these skills by devising games to play that would help him exercise emerging skills. I never looked too far ahead and I never 'ticked' anything off on a chart.
So - here I am today with Harlan and I have very little idea of what he's supposed to be doing at what stage? Not that milestones freak me out with him either - its just that I actually have no concept how and when certain things start to develop.
So here I am, a mother for the second time, reading baby books on development! It's quite funny really... and sometimes even scary. Harlan is developing at a completely different pace to Malakai, which I expected. What I didn't expect was that I would be so clueless after two years of assisting Malakai to develop all his skills. I thought I'd have it waxed. But obviously not.
I read these books and go 'whaaaat? he's supposed to be doing that already? Really?'
I can't describe accurately the feeling I have to give Harlan everything he needs, just as I did for Malakai, but without the help of experts or professionals... Almost as if I'm cheating my second child out of being his best...
Thank You Lord 5 years NED 16 January 2013
12 years ago
Hank is my 4th and I'm still learning new things. Sometimes, I feel useless because he just knows how to do things without any help from me. Other times, I worry that he isn't doing what my older girls did at the same age. We put so much pressure on ourselves as parents. All the really need is our love and attention!
Shame, I can only imagine how that must feel! But you are doing a great job and I'm sure you'll do what's right for Harlan!
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