Sorry! You'd think as a writer I could think of a better title, no? Well, my brain is still sleeping this morning as I realise that I haven't updated the blog in over 10 days!
It's not that things have been boring, it's just that there is so much happening that I don't know what to pick to write about - so this post is going to a snippet of a few things!
Time Outs...
We have officially started (and are following through) on Time Outs for Mister Malakai. His antics (hitting his brother on the head repeatedly, throwing things at the TV etc) got to a point where I realised that we had to decide on something and stick to it!
So far, Time Outs have worked wonders! It took Malakai a few tries to figure out what this new thing was all about, and now he's got the hang of it. He doesn't like it - but seems to tolerate it quite well. AND it has curbed his antics really well. He still takes his chances, but we've seen a huge improvement and Harlan isn't getting his poor little head abused!
Malakai is probably most happy when he's helping out around the house - packing away toys, unpacking groceries, helping to pack dishes away... He, like every other toddler, wants to feel as though his efforts are worthwhile. So, whenever I can, I try to include him and give him a 'little job' to perform, which he just loves!
Yesterday, we went to buy bread and milk. I would usually put him in the trolley and push him around, but yesterday I told him nicely that I was going to let him walk only if he stayed by my side. I gave him the bread to carry and he walked through the entire shop, by my side, carrying the bread with the conviction of a Very Important Job.
I just smile when I think of how big he's getting. :)
Both Malakai and Harlan are still teething... can't believe it! How long do these little suckers take to make an appearance? Nevertheless, both boys are drooling up a storm and quite grumpy - shame! Malakai is getting his incisors and Harlan is getting teeth numbers 5 and 6 - can't believe he's already got four teeth!
He's still a super sensitive little guy, but beyond that he's really still very smiley and happy. He's rolling all over the place now and is learning to pull himself into sitting position from his side. He loves standing and give him half a chance and he won't let you put him down. Crawling is not too far off either, I think we'll have a mobile-baby within the next month or so. I am just wondering how I am going to deal with two mobile children... But I will cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose!
Finding a School for Malakai
Last winter we took Malakai out of school - he was there for only about 3 months, but he just got so terribly sick all the time. If it wasn't tummy bugs it was pneumonia or a runny nose - it was never ending. In those three months, Malakai lost about 2kgs and really looked so thin - gaunt actually.
So, I totally believe we did the right thing by bringing him back home. He got healthy, gained his weight back and even went through a developmental growth spurt in many areas.
But now, 6 months later, I am seeing signs that Malakai is ready to go back to school - at least for mornings. He seems really frustrated and bored with what's on offer at home and I can tell he would get so much out of a fun and loving environment where he can socialise and do new things every day.
So I've been looking... and looking... and looking... Hopefully I find the right place soon!
Our edible garden
I've finally started my own edible garden - yay! I am so excited! I must admit I was inspired by Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal Vegetable Miracle, which I read almost 4 years ago already! Since then I've dreamed of growing my own food - or rather attempting to grow my own food.
So, we've got three different kinds of tomatoes, lettuce, spinage, green peppers, artichokes, asparagus, onions, spring onions, butternut, beans, carrots, strawberries and a variety of herbs.
I stand every night and water my little 'crop' of vegetables and just feel... well... right. Aaaahhhh.
Working from home
Since leaving my job in June, I've been blessed enough to work from home. I am excited about what I'm doing and looking into the future... I must say I am not a patient person, so sometimes I get a little frustrated that things are not happening fast enough - but then I just remember that there is so much I want to do and I can't do everything at once.
Things are knitting together, like a wonderful colourful tapestry blanket. I have simplified my life, I am working from home, I am more available to my children during the day and can watch them grow, I can tend to my new edible garden and hopefully use this to feed my family - from the earth to my family's dinner plates! Things do not always run smoothly, and I hyperventilate sometimes when Uncertainty comes a-knocking... but for the most part, when looking at the Bigger Picture, I am happy. Yes. Happy.
Thank You Lord 5 years NED 16 January 2013
12 years ago
Great job on walking through the supermarket. I really wish Jonathon would be able to do that. He just takes off on me no matter where we are AND his biggest problem is that he is always looking at his darn feet and not where he is going. But I am inspired by this so maybe I will try some different things with him.
Staying by your side at the store is huge! Goldie is still so impulsive. I have a hard time trusting her. Glad you are enjoying your boys and your garden!
Disciplining children is not an easy job. Its always hard because you cant be too hard on them as they do not know the difference between right and wrong. this link has some great tips that I certainly have found helpful.
Good luck with it!
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