I've been meaning to post for a while now and I've got quite a bit to say... so sorry in advance for any rambling or on-goings that may become a bit tedious to wade through!
Working from home
Well, I must say I am very busy! Whew! How did I write articles AND work full day AND do photography AND be a mom and wife? I just don't know! Writing articles and doing bits and pieces here and there really keeps my days full, and it isn't as if I have coffee with friends and mess around at all - there really is so much to do.
Most of all, it's great to be around and be able to stop for a moment to play with Malakai or hold Harlan during the day. I feel so connected to the boys, and I feel that I'm taking better care of my husband and marriage too.
Harlan's Crying
After five-and-a-half months of serious crying we've finally turned a corner. Harlan's crying has become so much better and we're getting to know the little boy behind the screams. Whew! It was tough for a while there and we're so happy that he's finding new ways to express himself!
He also adores Malakai - if there is anything that can make him smile and giggle, it's when he's watching Malakai do his thing - it's adorable!
What a busy little boy - he's so inquisitive and really wants to push his boundaries, all day long! But I can see a real understanding in his behaviour, as if he's more in tune with what's going on around, soaking everything up like a little sponge!
He LOVES to read and will go and get his books and go through them one by one, pointing at the pictures and wanting to know the words for things. I want to really nurture this love for books and keep him interested because I think books are wonderful gateways to the world.
Discipline is still a major thing for me. As Malakai becomes older he's obviously trying to assert his independence, but he's also doing naughty things like hitting his brother and throwing things at us, which I need to curb right away. Except, everything I've tried seems to elicit only laughter from Malakai - seriously - he laughs like it's a game. It can be incredibly frustrating, but this is where we are right now and I'm hoping we find a way to teach Malakai that some behaviours are unacceptable - and soon.
And that's it really - we're all well. Blessed by health, by the roof over our heads, by the help we receive daily, but our friends and family.