*Ahem… again… yay!!
Jessica from Ten Squares Three Squiggles nominated me for the Premios Dardos blog award. This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day. While I never thought of my little blog as doing that, I am so very pleased that Jessica did! Thank you Jessica – I just love your blog as well!
Here are the rules:
Step 1: respond and rework -- answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
Step 2: tag - eight other bloggers to do the same.
1) What are you wearing right now? A white-t, brown cargo-type pants and my new green and silver paisley-design pumps that I just adore!
2) What is your biggest fear? Not being around to give Malakai the best of me.
3) Do you nap a lot? Do chickens have teeth?
4) Who is the last person you hugged? My husband Darryl, when he left for work this morning.
5) What websites to you visit when you go online? I am a 100% Blog-Addict! Then I like to visit the Ds board on babycenter.com as well!
6) What was the last item you bought? I went on a full grocery shop… once a month… pain in my bum… but gotta do it!
7) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Europe for a full 6 months, traveling in a motorhome, stopping whenever the urge hits!
8) If you could go to the Oscars, who would you want to sit next to? I am stumped! I think it would have to be… John Travolta! Yes! I absolutely love him!
9) If there was something you could do over, what would it be? I would have been gentler on myself when I received my son’s diagnosis. I wish I had known then what I know now – I would have cried less I think…
10) What is your most frightening moment? Finding Malakai in his cot with his mosquito-net wrapped around his head and neck… Don’t know how he did it, but it frightened me to death!
11) What was the last movie you watched? The Bucket List
12) What is the luckiest thing that ever happened to you? My whole life – everything I have truly needed has been there for me. My husband, my son, my family and friends.
13) If you had a whole day to yourself with no work, commitments or interruptions what would you do? Take a road-trip to somewhere nice and have a picnic!
14) Is there a major goal you have that you haven't yet achieved? Getting a degree… I’ve studied for 4 years, but I keep on changing my major!!
15) What is the first job you had? I was a teller on a Friday afternoon and Saturday morning for a bottle/liquor store…
16) What is something that those in blog land might not know about you? I’ve shaved my head. Completely. And loved it!
17) What is something simple that relaxes you and you enjoying doing? Singing along to my favourite songs (at full volume of course) in the car
18) Do you make time for yourself everyday, and if so, what do you do? I don’t always do it, but I try to regularly run a bath, take my book and just soak…
19.)What is the last book you read? Other than the obvious parenting/sleeping/eating type books, my last was Roadmap to Holland.
Now to pass on the awarding of the award:
There are so many moms out there that really amaze me with their journeys and stories! But if I had to choose…
1. Melissa from Having Fun at Home with Master Dillon - for her constant strength, doing it better than I ever could!
2. Kacey from Ella Grace with the Pretty Face - for making me smile. Ella Grace has just crept into my heart...
3. Laura from Gracie’s Gift of 47 - for making the biggest effort to keep her blog positive, sharing amazing true stories of inspiration!
4. Tara Marie from Emma Sage - for having such a beautiful blog. Words, Pictures, Stories... everything!
5. Lisa from Bridget’s Light - for being such a powerful writer, her words simply Inspire me!
6. Jennifer from Three’s a Charm - for being on a constant journey of discovery, and then Sharing with all us so that we too may understand better...
7. Samm from Deqlan Higgins - for being just the most gentle and positive person that I know... well... in Person!! For being an amazing mom, friend, carer and advocate!
8. Chris from Mothering by the Seat of my Pants - for having a blog that is just always a joy to read! Everytime I see a new post, I just know I'm going to love it!
To visit all these wonderful blogs and more, please see my sidebar for the links (I don't know how to link them on the post...)