We are the Stow Family and this is our story. Our lives are blessed by Love, Joy and Hope. Follow our sometimes interesting stories on loving our two boys, exploring parenthood, and celebrating a little extra - two parents, two boys and an extra chromosome!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Moving the world...

By now I think everyone in the Ds bloggy community has heard of this blog. With well over 2500 followers (yes people, I didn't add an extra zero...), there has to be reason. Kelle recently had a beautiful baby girl who happens to have Down syndrome, and the journey she has walked from birth, shock, grief, acceptance and celebration has been put out there for everyone to see... and love. Kelle hasn't held anything back, and her honesty and raw emotion is incredibly moving.

I personally aspire to have the kind of creativity & talent (for writing and pictures) that Kelle has. But if I didn't have those things... I'd definitely settle for a little of the magic dust she seems to sprinkle all over her life - in big fat doses!

Well, CNN seemed to think so too, and this past Tuesday she was featured on a program called Connect the World (previous 'connectors' being the likes of the black eyed peas, andrew lloyd webber, hugh hefner & eva longoria... and I can't remember the rest, but they're like... famous!)

Go here to view the interview and here to see Kelle's blog.

I'm proud that someone within our community, living life and loving someone with a special need, has made such an impact!

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