So, it's been a while since I've had the time to sit down and write a post - so much has happened... is happening...
Winter is almost behind us - Oh how I long for summer days! I am dreaming about being outside, lounging on the patio after the sun sets, relaxing with friends around a braai, and the end to (hopefully) the coughs and runny noses!
Malakai has never really been a sick baby, until now that is. Since his birthday and his first fever, he has hit about 10 serious fevers, developed a cough (shame, poor monkey) and yet another runny nose! I didn't know just how horrible winter can be for the little ones! I have visited the doctor more often in the past two weeks than I used to in 6 months!
Despite coughing like a smoker, Malakai is crawling all over the place and has started to scout out every available surface to pull himself up on. He's getting better at it every day, and this is one milestone that I haven't had to 'work hard' to motivate him to do - he wants to stand at every oportunity. Also, Malakai has started to babble and will go 'ba ba ba' in the cutest way! And then tonight, my dear husband was convinced that Malakai signed 'eat'. I watched and I think he may be right. Malakai clearly put his hand to his mouth while we were eating dinner (on the floor in his play-area... long story). Malakai did it over and over again until we gave him a little of what we were eating! Our imagination? Is he actively communicating? I'll keep everyone posted.
Other stuff that Malakai is doing:
He loves to read his picture books and insists on kissing all the pictures of babies (too cute).
He will come and find us if we hide and call him.
He will laugh when I play peek-a-boo.
He will have a 'conversation' with us, giggling when we repeat his sounds back to him.
He loves other babies and will make a bee-line for them and give them a kiss (off course)!
What Malakai isn't doing:
Pooing in the bath! Yay!
On the new-baby front! I am now about 16 weeks pregnant and it's a boy! I am very excited that Malakai will have a little 'partner in crime'! We will probably keep the nursery the same and just move Malakai into a big-boy room when the baby comes. Although, not like my first pregnancy, we are not 100% focussed on the new baby, because we just don't have the time! I am starting to look pregnant, which is great because then I don't have to continuously explain my very pregnant behaviour! I have done everything from going to the shops without my purse, leaving my cell phone on the roof of my car, forgetting to brush my teeth before leaving for work, thinking it was Valentines Day on the 14th of August (yes. I know.) and much much more! My brain is just not functioning on a level that is at all productive or even logical, and I am trying really to get it to, but no avail!
Life is good. That is feeling I have most of the time (when I'm not completely overemotional because of my hormones). I am so grateful for my life, for my son, for my pregnancy, for everything. We really have been blessed and I am acutely aware of how this is not the reality for many families out there.
Well - it's getting a bit late (past my bedtime for sure)! So off I go to bed and get my rest!