Where do I even begin?
I was so excited about Malakai's birthday party - I had planned, done invitations, made decorations, created party packs and generally drove my husband insane... And! I am NOT like this... I am not a party planner type person. Frankly I find it really daunting and quite stressful... But for my boy? Anything of course!
So bring on Friday night - I am finally 'almost' prepared for Saturday's party. All I need is my beauty sleep. Malakai had different ideas, as he spent the night awake, crying and feeling very hot. And (confession), I had misplaced his thermometer, which I blame completely on the porridge brain I have since becoming pregnant again. I looked and looked in the middle of night, and couldn't find it.
At last Malakai went to sleep and Darryl and I managed 3 or 4 hours before getting going on Saturday morning.
At last we were ready and guests started arriving, but my jovial, happy, easy-going son had morphed into a crying, screaming, red-in-the-face, get-out-of-my-face baby... After taking his temperature (with the thermometer that I had managed to find in daylight), I wasn't too concerned.
After a few more hours of constant crying, which is so contrary to Malakai's usual nature, I decided to use a friend's thermometer and it read 37.8 degrees Celsius. Not an emergency, but definitely the start of a fever.
To cut a really long (it felt like an epic in the day) story short - Malakai came down with a horrible fever that peaked, twice, at 38.9 and 39. This was our first experience of fever (in a whole year!), and all on his birthday! We managed to break the fever for long enough for him to enjoy his cake and open his presents - for the rest of the day either Darryl and or I were consoling him in his state of complete despair.
My poor monkey is better now - the fever is gone, but he is still a bit under the weather with a runny nose. I hope that he's all better soon!
As for everyone who shared Malakai's birthday with us - thank you! He was truly spoilt rotten and your generosity left us speechless! We are so happy that you could spend the day with us (even though we weren't around much of the time, and Malakai was literally in and out!).
Happy Belated Birthday Malakai! I'm sorry he wasn't feeling so well, but glad to know it isn't anything serious!
And a big congratulations on the pregnancy! Either I missed it or this is the first you've said something about it!
Happy Birthday Malakai!! Sounds like a fun day despite the fever - why did it have to happen on his birthday? Here's hoping the next year will be a great one for Malakai!
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!!! You have some amazing parents and some sweet toys :)!!
Hello Handsome,
It was so awesome to see you on saturday and share some of the day with you! You might now have been feeling good but you still managed to blow out your candles and enjoy opening up your pressies and lets face it - thats all you really need to do at a party so I dont blame you for wanting to be close to your mom and sleeping off your little fever!
Malakai - its been a real joy and privledge to watch you grow into the beautiful little boy who you are and to celebrate the gift of a wonderful year, a year where you as tiny as you are have taught us all so many valuble lessons in life!
Enjoy your new toys and Enjoy this new adventure as you start your second year and I just know that its going to be a year of excitement, new adventures and above all LOVE!
Oops before I forget - your mommy and daddy did a great job putting your party together - it was great fun! Keaton had great fun running around and even managing to put both his hands in uncle Darryls Oil for his bike (it was great fun to get it off - thanks Darryl for helping).
Hope you feel better soon!
Conrad, Megs and Keaton
Happy Birthday to Malakai!!!
Flor (floreshayes@gmail.com)
what a great birthday. Lots of great stuff. He looks older already.
The photos are gorgeous Loren , Kai is such a beautiful child, and he has the most beautiful , gentle, nature! I am glad he enjoyed the presies and wow did he get presies! Sorry to hear he wasnt feeling well and that you to are not well at the moment, but praying for you all to get better and feel on top of the world soon again! God Bless, love us
Wow Loren, I absolutely cannot believe monkey man is a whole year old! Feels like yesterday when I came to visit you in hospital. COngrats little man, and I'm so sorry you had to go through the eecky fever stuff, but very glad you're feeling better. Can't wait to spend the weekend with you guys!!!
Happy Birthday Malakai! He is a beautiful little boy. Jonathon has Laugh and learn puppy(I see in the picture)He is his bestest friend, that is one great toy to have.
Happy Birthday Big Boy! You sure look adorable--how did you pull that off when you felt so lousy? What a time to get a fever!
Congratulations on your upcoming Big Brother-hood! Very exciting news!
Really nice snaps...
Oh I missed this post! Happy Belated Birthday Beautiful Malakai! Oh my, Malakai has the most beautiful eyes! ♥♥♥
I hope he is feeling better now!
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